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A New Disruptor Brand on the Block

The fintech platform, Pocketnest, is making waves in the wellness and financial spaces

Light bulb with brain

Pocketnest is a certified women-owned business coaching millennials and gen-xers through financial wellness. We license our software to financial institutions, helping them more deeply connect with a younger audience, identify cross-sell opportunities, and serve 16X more people. Built on behavioral science and psychology, Pocketnest helps users set meaningful goals, understand their psychological reasoning behind each goal, and map a pathway to achieve them.

With fintech and robo advisors as ubiquitous as bread brands, how can we stand apart from the noise? Yep, fintech is a crowded space. But we’re wholly different from the rest.

What sets Pocketnest apart

There are four things Pocketnest does that no other fintech brand or financial institution does:

  1. Combine the value of humans + tech to scale. We help institutions scale, allowing them to get to more meaningful conversations faster.

  2. Connect tactical concepts with psychological nudges to motivate users. Using psychographic data and behavioral science, we get to know users—what makes them tick, motivates them, gets them to complete financial tasks. Using AI, Pocketnest speaks to users in a way they’ll respond, with soft nudges and personalized tasks.

  3. Offer friendly, gamified and effective approach + key insights for institutions. As we coach users through financial wellness, we gather key insights about their financial needs. Users check off tasks, while we queue them up for better, more timely and relevant service from their financial institutions. Users love the enhanced experience, while institutions love the increased cross-sell opportunities and deeper client relationships.

  4. Cover 10 themes of financial wellness in just 3 minutes a week. Users can create—and stick to—a comprehensive financial plan with personalized tips and recommendations, all based on Certified Financial Planning curricula.

The financial wellness app keeps gaining traction

Because of this incredible value-add to all stakeholders, Pocketnest is quickly growing traction.

Pocketnest launched the platform in October 2019. Throughout 2020, we focused on product development, adding new capabilities and better user experiences contributing to explosive growth in funding, enterprise acquisition, and recruitment.

Coming into 2021, we experienced tremendous growth:

Scooping up awards left and right

When not hammering out the road map, deep in code, or securing clients and funding, we’ve been honored to scoop up awards, including:

Pocketnest is making waves in the finance industry—and beyond—as a first-class innovator and disruptor brand.

Next up? Learn more about how we built, position and market Pocketnest.

Interested in bringing Pocketnest to your community? Request a demo!

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