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Financial Tips for Navigating a Crisis

Any crisis will bring about many financial questions and insecurities. Learn quick and easy tips to navigate your finances during a crisis.

Remember: it's never too late to get your finances in order! If you haven't set a budget or solidified your financial plan yet, don't worry!

First, take a breath! Allow yourself a moment to calm down. Know that you are empowered to make important decisions and organize your finances. And, know that you will be okay!

Second, compile a net worth statement. This way, you can map out what you have, and where you have it—cash flow, assets, and debt.

Third, grab your partner (or roomie) and get chatting about your situation.

Last, remember you're not alone! The entire world is navigating their own financial strain. Download the Pocketnest app to get all of your finances in order.

Find more tips to ensure you're fully prepared for any financial implications!.

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