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“Manage My Purse” Panel Features Pocketnest

Jessica Willis to co-panel a live personal finance event for women

Jessica Willis, CEO and founder of Pocketnest, will serve as a panelist on the Manage My Purse live event, Wednesday, May 12 from 7-8:30 p.m. ET. (Register Now!)

In the last year, many have experienced wins, losses, pauses, starts, stops . . . and everything in between. Through it all we are still here! Join three phenomenal women as they catch up to share resources, insights and strategies with—and for—other women.

During the live webinar, panelists will share approachable personal finance tips, answer audience members’ burning questions about finance, and ultimately, create a safe space for women to talk about money.

Why join the event?

  • Get tips and insights on managing your money from financial professionals—who also happen to be awesome mothers, accomplished business women and all around great people

  • Learn how the pandemic has impacted women, finance and daily life—and get resources to help

  • Take part in creative conversation and ASK questions LIVE about budgeting, saving, debt management, homebuying, investment, and more


  • Jessica Willis, CFP®, CPWA®

    • 20+ years of experience in the financial industry + wealth management

    • CEO and founder of Pocketnest financial wellness platform

  • Jackie Cummings Koski, CEPF®

    • Author, Money Letters to My Daughter

    • Financial Educator and Financial Literacy Advocate

    • Representative of the FIRE Movement - RETIRED before 50!

  • Ivy Glover, CCUFC, CDP®

    • Certified Financial Counselor and Diversity Professional

    • Proud, self-proclaimed “Momfessional”

Interested in bringing Pocketnest to your community? Request a demo!

Registration is free. Any donations benefit From Fatherless to Fearless, a nonprofit organization supporting the empowerment of fatherless women.

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