Pocketnest Finds Employee Benefits Application for SaaS Financial Wellness Platform

When we officially launched our employee wellness platform, we shared the good, no, GREAT news with our industry pals, including Laura Cowan of The Cronicle.
The high level overview
Cowan's article reviews our latest big feats, including:
Launching our new employee wellness platform, expanding our offerings beyond the financial industry.
Graduating the Google for Startups accelerator.
Inking a new deal with Michigan State University Federal Credit Union to release the Pocketnest financial wellness platform to all of MSUFCU’s 300,000 members.
Doubling our customer base, and signing our 20th customer.
A word from our client
“From the moment we started using Pocketnest in 2020, we knew we needed to get it in the hands of our members,” said Ben Maxim, VP Digital Strategy & Innovation, MSU Federal Credit Union. “Our mission aligns with Pocketnest’s strategy to bring financial wellness to the masses and know it can help financial institutions thrive.”
What's turning Pocketnest into such a quick success?
“Our mission continues to be to bring financial wellness to the masses,” Willis tells Cronicle. “Our platform now helps us do that in 2 ways.”
1) licensing to financial institutions
2) licensing software to employers
What is employee financial wellness?
Employee wellness is so much more than retirement plans and free snacks in the break rooms—especially now that many people are feeling the burdens of the COVID economy (#inflation!).
“Financial stress really plays into mental stress as well,” Willis explains. “And physical health. There is value in revenue that employees are thinking about their financial wellness.”
We were well on our way with financial institutions, bringing their communities financial wellness. Then, we had requests from friends who run companies or work in HR to roll out Pocketnest to their employees. It was a natural fit and a perfectly organic way to grow.
We're blushing!
"Pocketnest continues to be the picture of a model Midwest fintech startup, finding product-market fit and expanding a scalable service. We caught up with founder Jessica Willis to get the behind the scenes on the company’s latest growth.
"The SaaS platform Pocketnest created works just as well as a benefits program for employers to help their workers learn how to plan their financial future as it does as an add-on app for financial institutions. It’s the expansion of a scalable SaaS model we love to see. We’re looking forward to hearing more news soon, as Pocketnest indicates they have even more plans in the works."
Thanks Laura!
This story was originally featured on The Cronicle.
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