Pocketnest CEO and founder pitches the fintech platform at the Renaissance VC UnDemo Day

Our founder and CEO, Jessica Willis, is a pitching machine! She just pitched Pocketnest at the Renaissance Venture Capital UnDemo Day.
What is Renaissance Venture Capital?
Also known as RenVC, Renaissance Venture Capital is a venture capital fund of funds that invests in top tier venture funds around the country and uses this network to help attract capital to startups in the state of Michigan (over $2 billion to date).
We love working with VCs like Renaissance, because it connects innovative startups (just like us!) with major corporations and organizations that are stakeholders in Renaissance such as Meijer, Blue Cross Blue Shield, La-Z-Boy, Barton Malow, Delta Dental / 4100 Group, State of Michigan, AAA, Whirlpool, Ford, Masco, DTE Energy, and Roush, as well as foundations, university endowments, and public and private pension funds.
In other words, RenVC gets us in front of loads of big-name brands.
RenVC UnDemo Day Event
The UnDemo Day® event, held Wed., Oct. 13, 2021, brought together Pocketnest and other top early-stage companies and technologies for a virtual event with venture capital investors from around the country.
Chris Rizik, Founder and CEO of Renaissance VC shared opening remarks and Carrie Thome, the managing director of the Midwest's newest Venture Capital Fund of Funds, NVNG joined Chris "on stage" to share NVNG's investment strategies in Wisconsin.
Jessica presented Pocketnest alongside 19 other top early stage companies—as ranked by investors. Investors also had the opportunity for one-on-one meetings and introductions to selected companies.
The Take Away
Pocketnest was selected to participate in several one-on-one meetings with investors.
The event was a great opportunity to meet other innovative startups and founders, connect with some of the Midwest's top brands, have deeper connections with new investors and, of course, share the good word about Pocketnest and how we're revolutionizing finance and bringing financial wellness to the masses.
Interested in bringing Pocketnest to your community? Request a demo!