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Pocketnest Wins First Place, $10K in Funding

Pocketnest wins Woman Up & Pitch Competition, hosted by Michigan Women Forward

Jessica Willis accepts $10K check from competition host

You guessed it. Pocketnest, the world’s first free and complete financial planning app, took the cake. And the check! We won first place in the Growth category, securing $10,000 in grant funding (!!!). We’re humbled and honored -- and stoked -- to announce we also won the People’s Choice Award for an additional check.

Pocketnest founder Jessica Willis presented Pocketnest and its full kit and caboodle -- who we are, how we’re revolutionizing the finance industry, our plan of attack, and much more.

Our message is simple: personal finance should be easier. And everyone should have access to it -- not just the wealthy and finance nerds (our love goes out to you finance nerds).

And the judges agree. They believe in our mission. They also believe in our business plan. To win first place as a “growth business,” the judges agree Pocketnest has the potential to scale significantly in size and revenue as a technology-based startup; they also believe we have the potential to be acquired or go public. Heck yeah!

We were in incredible company, too. While 140 other Michigan-based female entrepreneurs applied, only ten were invited back to the Detroit-based competition as finalists. Alongside the other female entrepreneurs based in Southwest Michigan, Jessica accepted the prize, and of course, bragging rights.

Great news! The Pocketnest app is now available! Download Pocketnest and get your finances in order—in just 10 minutes a month! No jargony finance-speak, pricey fees or in-person meetings required.

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